Boston Initiative for Heroin Users
Boston Initiative for Heroin Users
You will listen to a radio programme about a Boston initiative for heroin addicts. Decide if the following statements are true (T) or false (F).
- A Boston non-profit organisation plans to open the so-called “safe place” for doped heroin users.
- Statistics show that about four Massachusetts residents die every day from an overdose.
- Injections won’t be allowed in the safe place in Boston.
- The facility will be monitored by nurses and social workers.
- If patients need more than nursing care, they may receive treatment in a hospital.
- Nicole, a heroin addict, would use the safe place because she is homeless.
- Addicts in Vancouver and Sydney who were monitored by a nurse in similar rooms were more likely to start drug treatment than those who weren’t.
- Dr Barbara Herbert is against the “safe place” initiative because she thinks it encourages people to keep using drugs.
- Dr Herbert is a proponent of “abstinence or nothing” approach.
- There seems to be no political support for the initiative.