21st January 2025

Reply To: “The Disembodied Lady” (Year 1 Thur.)

ENGLISH FOR PSYCHOLOGY Forums Neuropsychology “The Disembodied Lady” (Year 1 Thur.) Reply To: “The Disembodied Lady” (Year 1 Thur.)


The quote provided by Wittgenstein explores the importance of little things that human beings may forget they even have. In Christina’s case, the loss of self-movement and body position was unexpected and shocking. At first, the doctors said that Christina has ‘anxiety hysteria’. But slowly her symptoms got worse and led to complete proprioception, where she had no muscle sense throughout her body. The great thing was that Christina was eager to learn more about her condition and how to adjust her daily life to the changes that she had gone through. Day by day, Christina found ways how to monitor her body by vision and make her movements and reflexed more subtle and automatic. Surely, this whole process was hard on her and required from her a lot of strength, both physically and emotionally.
The fact that Christina lost her proprioception very suddenly, shows us how fragile one’s life is and how our bodies can transform. It is important to cherish the small things in life that so are familiar to us, that we sometimes forget to notice on a daily basis. Because as shown in the text, those little things can become underappreciated and once they’re gone it may be too late to retrieve them.