8th November 2024

Reply To: “Brain storms” by Jon Palfreman (Year 2)

ENGLISH FOR PSYCHOLOGY Forums Neuropsychology “Brain storms” by Jon Palfreman (Year 2) Reply To: “Brain storms” by Jon Palfreman (Year 2)


I think those 4 chapters were very intresting. Palfreman has a realy nice way of writing. He makes it easy to read about such complicated subject. I think it’s amazing that after getting diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease he decided to write a book it. It’s so much better reading about his experience too rather than just dry facts.
Althought the facts presented in those 4 chapters were very intresting too. I wouldn’t thought that the disease was discovered after observing just a few people. I found the chapter called “The case of the frozen addicts” the most intresing and perhaps the most saddening. It was shocking how lives of those people were basicaly ruined beacause of a bad decision. On the other hand, it helped in countinuing important research. The last chapter made me fell more hopeful because I’ve never heard about those methods (like following different cues to move better) of helping people with Parkinson’s disease. Pamela Quinn seems like an amazing person.
All in all, Brain Storms is a great book and I actually wish I had more free time to read more of it.