16th January 2025

Reply To: “The Boy who Sees without Eyes” (Year 1 Thur.)

ENGLISH FOR PSYCHOLOGY Forums Neuropsychology “The Boy who Sees without Eyes” (Year 1 Thur.) Reply To: “The Boy who Sees without Eyes” (Year 1 Thur.)


The Ben’s talent was really intriguing to me, although I found the most interesting the part of the film considering Ben’s srtuggles with excessive self-confidence, which at first prevented him from accepting the fact that in spite of his uncommon way of dealing with the blindness he still has some limits. I am always impressed at how our human feelings and perceived threat of our value as a person constrict rational decision-making, and to what extent we don’t even realise this influence.
When it comes to teaching echolocation to children with visual disabilities – I’m of the opinion that such decison firstly demands conducting psychological research on how common and effective it can be to acquire such an ability. It should be confirmed that it’s more beneficial than methods of management with one’s ability in use until now. Perhaps it may lead to a revolutionary attempt to visual impairment.