18th January 2025

Reply To: The Woman who Can’t Forget (Year 1 Wed.)

ENGLISH FOR PSYCHOLOGY Forums Neuropsychology The Woman who Can’t Forget (Year 1 Wed.) Reply To: The Woman who Can’t Forget (Year 1 Wed.)


Sure. One time my friend started playing a song that I thought I have never heard before. I immediately started crying and just coulnd’t control myself. I didn’t know why – the song was sad, but not that sad. When I came back home I played the song for my mom and she started crying. She told me that she used to listen to that song when I was younger, during a really difficult time for my family – the time I have no recolllection of. This situation is, of course, different than Jill’s, but I could feel emotions that strong even without remembering the exact situation from the past that caused them, so it must be really difficult for Jill to feel AND remember.