16th October 2024

Reply To: The Woman who Can’t Forget (Year 1 Thur.)

ENGLISH FOR PSYCHOLOGY Forums Neuropsychology The Woman who Can’t Forget (Year 1 Thur.) Reply To: The Woman who Can’t Forget (Year 1 Thur.)


Those two cases lead us to the conclusion that memory is not a simple mechanism. There are many types of memory from sensory memory, which allows us to remember a small amount of information for a few seconds, through short-term memory to long-term memory, which contains such abilities as recalling autobiographical episodes from life, having general knowledge or just keeping in mind how to do things. As we could read in articles this memory can work differently. It can be superior, like in Jill’s case or impaired, like in Clive’s case. Both of them experienced some kind of memory dysfunction. Jill’s long-term memory works extremely good well but she struggled to learn new things in school. Clive has a well working sensory memory, which allows him to be “awake” for a few seconds but he can’t remember details from his life. Those people show us that having a really good memory doesn’t mean being good in at memorizing new facts and having amnesia doesn’t mean having a total blackout.

  • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by admin.