21st January 2025

Reply To: “12 Angry Men” (Year 2)

ENGLISH FOR PSYCHOLOGY Forums Social Psychology “12 Angry Men” (Year 2) Reply To: “12 Angry Men” (Year 2)


For me one of the most important and touching moments was when one of the men couldn’t explain why he said that the boy is guilty, he just decided to agree with majority. That shows how important it is to discuse and really think about our choises. It is unbelievable that young man could die because someone didn’t want to think about his case.
It is really hard queustion, how I would behave if I would think that I am right while other people are wrong.If it would be really important sitaution – like in the movie when it is about someone’s life I would try to oppose the others. Man who first said ‘unguilty’ for sure is good example of how to discuss, he was calm and polite. Situation in the movie was really special, the man I mentioned in last sentence wasn’t actually sure if he was right but his point of viev didn’t determinate anything. It wasn’t like executing the boy or letting him go, if they would decided that he was unguilty it was only about second trial. So, in situations like that we should discuss a lot. Also I have to mention that I would be scared for sure, situations where I am the only one who think different are hard for me, but I believe that sometimes there are more important things than our temporal emotions.